The event agency "Gruppespesialisten" (The Group Specialist) is now ENTUSIO. The name leaves little doubt about the values the company stands for, enthusiasm, joy and creativity, exact values that it is desirable to become
associated with.
We thank you for the positive and good cooperation, and wish the enthusiastic team the best of luck in the future!
Check what ENTUSIO can do for you and your company here: www.entusio.no
LINKTRA is the name of the new "smart cylinders" from Hexagon Ragasco.
"The Linktra® Smart cylinder is our “Internet of Things” (IoT) offer that enables the connection of our cylinders to consumers’ mobile phones – as well as to the IT systems of LPG distributors.
This next generation of cylinders speak to you. They let consumers know exactly how many minutes of usage time are left and when they will need to refill."
The name has been developed by NameAbrand in collaboration with Høst Group.
New reference!
Greenfact AS has changed its name to VEYT AS.
"We - VEYT - are a global hub for market data analysis and insights. As an independent provider of market intelligence, our vision is to empower decision makers to help create a net zero society. Supported by our unrivaled team of analysts, we help clients navigate the Green Certificate and Carbon Markets."
VEYT is a rewriting of the word "KNOW", ("VET" in Norwegian) - which indicates knowledge, insight, reliability and competence within the renewable and carbon market. "We know what we're doing - and you can trust our expertise." The name is short and effective, and fits well in the mouth phonetically.
Learn more about Veyt at www.veyt.com
Another reference from NameAbrand, on the end of the year 2022!
Vergia is an active industrial investment company with a diversified green conversion portfolio. The focus areas are clean energy technology and industrial innovation.
Leading resources from Arendal's Fossekompani are placed in leadership roles that ensure quality of effort, continuity and knowledge transfer. The team will soon expand with highly experienced personnel.
The name VERGIA refers to "vert" - which is French for "green" - the energy solution of the future - the green shift. Also refers to "a guardian", or "verge" in Norwegian - someone who looks after something, someone who is responsible.
Read more about Vergia at www.vergia.com
Falck Rescue has changed its name to RedGo, and we are extremely proud to be behind the development of the name, in collaboration with Neue Design Studio.
The insurance company Gjensidige took over Falck Rescue from the Danish Falck group earlier this year. As a result, the legal name of the company was changed to RedGo, as of May 1st 2022.
The choice of a new name came after a thorough process. The company has particularly emphasized that the name should be easy to use in all countries where it has operations, in the Nordics and the Baltics, and that it should harmonize with the profile that has been incorporated over many years. Redgo signals the highest priority through the prefix "red", and efficient and compatible help through the suffix "go".
We are proud to be able to present another reference from NameAbrand!
HYDEPOINT refers to "hydrogen + centre/point - in the center for tomorrow's energy solutions".
Moreld, Arendal's Fossekompani and Kongsberg are joining forces to develop a combined offshore transformer station and hydrogen factory.
Hydepoint will contribute to solving several challenges related to the development and scaling up of offshore wind power.
"Hydepoint is a complete solution for receiving, converting and transferring the entire energy potential from offshore wind farms, with reduced dependence on the onshore power grid. Located in the sea, close to wind farms, Hydepoint can convert all or part of the energy into hydrogen. This will reduce the need to scale up the power grid both on land and on land, explains Morten Henriksen, executive director of Arendal's Fossekompani".
More and more exciting references from NameAbrand!
We are pleased to present ANEO, which is a "joint venture" between TrønderEnergi and HItecVision. ANEO is a new Nordic company in the renewable energy sector, and stands out as a pioneer in its field. Hence the name ANEO - "a new one".
The name has been developed by NameAbrand through yet another good collaboration with Høst Group AS.
Evolgy is a global green tech company focusing on customized energy transformation. The company delivers the right energy – for charging or heating – in the right format for various automotive and industrial applications. The technologies contribute to efficient manufacturing processes and transport flows with low or no carbon footprint.
The name EVOLGY refers to "evolution + energy" - the future development of sustainable energy solutions.
For more information, check out www.evolgy.com
Another reference from NameAbrand!
Gjensidige launches "Boligblikk - a smarter home insurance". Boligblikk is a new home insurance that includes sensors so you can keep an eye on your home, no matter where you are. This gives you increased control in everyday life, but also when you are away for long periods. Together we can prevent small injuries from becoming large.
You will find further information on Gjensidige's pages.
Voice Norge has launched a new clothing brand for men! Influenced by James Bonds signature drink, the Vesper Martini, this brands name is much well suited. Like Bond himself Vesbar the brand is sharp, smart and always good looking. Similar to the cocktail; cool and sleek. According to Bond one should be enough if you prioritize elevated quality. However he always comes back for more...
Voice Norge has lauched a new clothing brand for women! Inspired by a meadow, delightful and dreamy, this brands name combines the best of two worlds. Similar to a field; the brand has a wide range of selections in numerous colours. The name has a positive vibe, referencing to a calmer state of mind. With a soft and feminine touch Mellowfield captures the tranquilent moment of a cheerful, sunny day.
Skarpnes has developed a flat concrete roof tile with an integrated solar cell. The name of the roof tile is OVATI, and refers to «InnOVATIon» and not least »OVATIon». Positive, good values for an environmentally friendly product with fantastic quality, like all other products developed by Skarpnes.
New Year's reference!
PRODIGA is a Norwegian-developed dietary supplement of high quality. Contributes to a good digestion, which is important for a well-functioning and active life. A unique composition of probiotics and enzymes that nourish the good bacteria in the gut.
We thank you for the good cooperation and wish Nutrinor AS good luck!
Atea has developed a tracking solution for the aquaculture industry. Modern tracking solutions are based on blockchain technology. Tracking makes everything that goes into a product traceable and accessible to everyone. The solutions also generate the necessary documentation.
The tracking solution has been named Globetrack by Atea.
We thank you for the good cooperation, and wish you the best of luck!
Elkem establishes the company Vianode, which will look at growth opportunities in advanced battery materials.
The company has ambitions to build up Vianode as a leading company in the production of anode materials of synthetic graphite.
The name has been developed by NameAbrand in collaboration with Høst Group.
YABADU is the name of an online platform from HAV Functional Assistance. This shall provide labor in the form of unskilled workers to employers in the health and care sector in the first instance.
YABADU reflects positivity, and the joy experienced by both employer and employee through the use of this efficient, accessible and not least simple online platform.
Data center companies Datacenter Group (TDCG) and NLDC merged in July 2019. These combined data center units are now starting operations under a new name, NorthC. With ten data centers throughout the Netherlands, NorthC is probably the largest regional data center company in the country, serving large organizations and government institutions, as well as cloud and IT service providers and smaller businesses. We are proud to be behind the name development in collaboration with Høst Group AS.
NorthC is a short, strong name with direct reference to the geographical region the company is located in. The North Sea (Noordzee) is a strong Dutch and regional cultural reference. Moreover, "The North" is a reference to honest values and a strong moral compass. C stands for Center, Connectivity and Culture.
We are proud to have received a new reference! Symetri Collaboration has now changed its name to TRIBIA. We thank you for a very good collaboration, and wish you the best of luck. Read more about TRIBIA and the name change here.
Aqura is designed to help sick fish. When the fish is sick, it needs adapted nutrition with high palatability which is extra easy for the body to absorb. Skretting's fish health team, together with researchers from Skretting ARC, has therefore developed the product Aqura to give the fish what it needs.
The name Aqura is derived from the element the fish lives in, namely water, - AQUA - and not least from the suffix «qura» - which refers to CURE, or healing. Thus we get the meaning «healing in water », - which is important in this context. In addition, the name of the Latin word ACCURO - which is pronounced rather similarly phonetically, - and which means "perform with care" and "take care of", which further reinforces the underlying meaning of the word.
Timik AS (formerly AkuMed AS) is a Nordic medical technology company, focusing on medical equipment and equipment for the treatment and diagnosis of chronic diseases, as well as advanced equipment in sports medicine, fitness and rehabilitation. TIMIK means "body" in the inuit (the Eskimo language), and is therefore suitable as a designation for a company in which health, treatment, healing and body are in focus. Les mer om TIMIK her.
Skiwo, a global network for interpreting services, has now become TikkTalk! The name is developed by NameAbrand and we find it great to see it launched. We want happiness for the future! Les mer om saken her.
Welcome AUTORIA! NameAbrand has developed a new, overarching name for the three car dealers, Oppegård Bil AS, the Motorsenter Ski AS and Torp Auto, which today operates as one company. The customer wanted an indicative name for the business, which nevertheless says something about the industry affiliation. The brand's core values were desired reflected both in the name and the profile otherwise: open and honest, enterprising, caring and clear. Autoria is a constructed name that has a clear association with the company's work. AUTO gives itself, and the ending –ORIA refers to "engine" in an indicative way. In addition, we can find a never-ending link to the Norwegian word "story", too - the story of motorized vehicles. The linguists will also know that Autoria means "authorship" in Spanish, - and the name thus refers to a company that in the future will write a story about its knowledge and expertise. The name can also refer to a place or country where motor vehicles are in the center, - a place where you are experts in the field. The graphic profile is beautifully developed by the design agency The Good Guys.
MyCall is the new name of the telephone operator Lebara. MyCall is a nice and welcoming name, and indicates that you yourself have a kind of "ownership" to the company and to its subscription. MyCall obviously means "my phone call", but at the same time it can also have other meanings such as "my choice" or "my decision" - which refers to a deliberate action in relation to which telephone operator you have chosen. Design: Brandlab Oslo.
Hennig Olsen Is is out with another tempting news; series INSPIRA - Premium ice cream! The name indicates inspiration, and has positive values like excitement, spark, impulse, mood and spirit, - all meanings that go directly to the values Hennig-Olsen Is wants to express in connection with this overlying name. Inspira refers to pleasure in the form of joy, the good moments through good mood, and encourages the little extra.
On September 1, 2012, Tine launches its new milk product "TINE STYRK". The milk is fat-free (skimmed milk) with taste and appearance as light milk, but contains 50 percent more protein and 50 percent more calcium compared to other milk. It is also filtered (concentrated) so that it naturally becomes a higher content of protein and calcium. To get this used, Tine uses 1.5 liters of milk to make 1 liter of Tine Strength. The name "STRENGTH" refers to milk product benefits; namely that it is good for muscles and skeletons. At the same time, the name STRONG is tough and straightforward.
Xplory is the name of Stokke Group's international commitment; a multifunctional stroller. The cart is a revolutionary product and introduces a whole new category of stroller. High sitting position allows the child to have a fantastic overview and can explore the world in a new way. Ergonomics has been central to the development of the wagon. The name Xplory emphasizes the child who explores, but also the uniqueness of the new stroller. Stokke already received two awards for the product. They also received a "trend prize" in Paris, as well as the award for the most innovative product in London.
Ostecompagniet has gathered a group of cheeses under a common label for a cheese series that has been named FRYD. FRYD refers to the cheese company slogan - "It should be easy to choose tasty pleasures." FRYD is a good, Norwegian word that refers to joy and inspiration. FRYD naturally means celebration, pleasure, joy, joy, happiness and desire - and thus shows The good moments, the coziness, the joy and the tasteful pleasures, the FRYD shows that "cheese is coziness", as well as inspiring and appealing to try the good cheeses..
Gnist Barnehager
Grønmyr Kindergarten changes name to GNIST CHILDHOODS. Spark is a positively charged word that refers to zeal and glow, endowment, inspiration and talent. All of these meanings refer to Grønmyr's values and the desire to do the very best for the little ones. A glowing desire to give the children care and love - a desire to associate valuable ties with the children. Spark is vivid and vibrant, - engaging and innovative while being a different and inspiring word in a nursery group. Gnist Barnehager - burns to bring out the best in your child.
The Gilde / Prior merger has been named NORTURA. The name refers directly to Norway and the English word "nurture" which means, among other things, nutrition or food. In addition, the name directly refers to the word "nature", and gives us clear associations with "culture" and Norwegian traditions. The name goes straight to the core of the company's business area with its clear associations with food, nutrition and health. The name is good in the mouth, is easy to remember and pronounce, both in Norwegian and internationally.
The new series from Tine has been named YT, and is referred to as the company's largest staging ever. The series was developed in collaboration with the Olympiatoppen. YT is a series of products that give people the best possible nutritional supplement before, during and after a workout, while it should taste good. The name YT refers to activity, performance and performance at all levels - whether exercising once or several times a week, or just needing refills in a hectic work situation. The name is developed in collaboration with Tangram Design.
Telenor, TeliaSonera and Tele2's joint mobile payment company in Norway change their name from mPayment to Strex. The company, which currently handles over 40 million transactions annually, is launching a new platform that will provide new opportunities and make mobile payments even easier and more accessible. The name Strex is upbeat, short and modern and refers to speed and efficiency. Design: Brandlab Oslo.
Premium Chicago - Peppes Pizza
Last quarter of 2012, NameAbrand got the exciting assignment to carry out a name process on several new pizza lines for Peppes Pizza. Two of the lines are now named and launched, and we are proud to showcase the very first that is Freestyle California. The pizza line FREESTYLE California is the name of a melting pot of innovative flavor combinations based on a whole world commodity, served on a thinner bottom. California style is inspired by California's adventurous pizza culture. California Freestyle refers to the myriad of variations of this type of pizza - you are free to choose and everything is allowed! The term FREESTYLE is also used in many different sports contexts, and refers to speed and tension, - and often untraditional driving / execution. Freestyle emphasizes what kind of pizza we are talking about; a "freestyle" pizza where everything is possible!
Evatic is now Asolvi, and we are proud to have participated in this exciting process together with skilled Implement Consulting Group. We went from being a company with one product to having three international products under our umbrella in two years after making two international acquisitions. In order to signal more clearly our direction and level of ambition, we decided to change the name where we worked closely with NameAbrand as our advisor. Tove and NameAbrand were able to take a process where emotions can easily take over over to a structured and targeted process where we land a new name that satisfies all our criteria. Pål M Rødseth, CEO Asolvi AS. We wish good luck for the future, and thank you for your good and creative cooperation! See the release film here.
STX changes its name to VARD. STX OSV has been purchased by the Italian group Fincantieri and has changed its name to VARD ™. NameAbrand has been Brandlab Oslo's partners in the name process, and has developed the name VARD for the launch. The new name derives from the Norwegian "warn", which marks the safe route to the sea and reflects traditions and maritime anchoring. For generations, the company has built and adapted advanced offshore and special vessels in the north-west of Norway, and has developed a strong innovation capability for systems and solutions in shipbuilding. Brandlab Oslo has been the contractor for STX OSV, and we are proud to have cooperated with the agency in the name process. Design: Brandlab Oslo.
Barnebygg Gruppen AS both builds and operates kindergartens in Norway. The operating company needed a new name that does not just indicate construction, and which is also suitable for positioning and differentiation. The new name was ESPIRA which is derived from both "inspiration" and from "to sprout". In addition, we find the word "spirit" which refers to the motive and attitude, - also this good values for kindergarten operations that provide with good competence and willingness to work. Design: Helene Skjelten Ligeti, Designranch.
On September 28, 2011, HSH launched its new name, VIRKE. The name associates with employer organization and HSH`s foundations and values. WORK is an active word that is about work and that things should "work" / function. The name is developed by NameAbrand in collaboration with Brandlab Oslo. Design: BrandLab Oslo.
Buskerud kollektrivtrafikk AS has changed its identity, and is now called BRAKAR. The company has previously received many feedback that their name was wrong to remember and difficult to use - and therefore they have now chosen a shorter and simpler name. The name BRAKAR refers to the county weapon in the county municipality of Buskerud where the bear is the main element, and tells about Vassfaret and the surrounding areas that were known for their bear trunks. The bear represents power and strength, but also tradition and culture in Buskerud. These are properties the company identifies with, and just like the bear, they will track down. Brakar is a nice and welcoming name, while being human and sociable, easy to pronounce and remember, - and at the same time a little humorous. The development of a new identity is a collaboration with Salto Design AS (per date closed).
KRINGOM is finally launched; The public transport service in Sogn og Fjordane county municipality has been renamed. This has been an exciting and enjoyable assignment for NameAbrand, and it is good to see that the name is in use. Around is both a book and nynorsk expression, while it is simply a synonym of around or about, and has meanings like that and forward, forward (forward) and back, here and there, here and there, around. All these meanings go directly to the work of the public transport service, and thus fit well as a solid and Norwegian brand name. In 2016, the name was named this year's corporate name by the Language Council, in collaboration with Nitimen and Arne Hjeltnes..
The name of NHO's annual conference 2014 is "Learning Life", and NameAbrand is proud to be able to add it to our reference list. We learn throughout life. We learn in different ways every single day whether we are in kindergarten, school, higher education, workplace or with friends and family. It is the sum of all this which is the learning life. And it is the learning life that gives us the expertise, productivity and competitiveness we live on.
Brendmoe & Kirkestuen AS has previously held a position as only painters. The company has now been through a major change, both in terms of staff and desired position, and therefore needed a new company name. From being only painters, the company now regards itself as Norway's leading total supplier of surface rehabilitation. The name ALLIERO indicates the word "alliance", that is to make a connection with someone - ally with someone. The name refers to the willingness to cooperate - an alliance between professionals - but also between the client and the employee. ALLIERO refers to the community and several employees, which is important for a craftsman company where quality assurance is a "must". The graphic expression is developed by Bruno Oldani, Oldanidesign.
Name of super underwear from Elite Sport AS. Vegard Ulvang's company Elite Sport AS launches a new brand on the market for super underwear in the autumn of 2002. Featured athletes such as Kari Traa, Bente Skari, Anders Aukland and Vibeke Skofterud become front figures in the launch. The name Bavac was developed on the basis of values such as groundbreaking, extreme and innovative, with good associations with harsh climate and optimal functionality. Bavac is first launched in Norway. One of the prerequisites for the name development was the launch of Bavac as an international brand in the long term.